Activities & Worksheets



  • Activities & worksheets are by letter.
  • Subject matter not limited to bullying.
  • Content can be used in the classroom.
  • Everything can be photocopied, and permission is marked on each page.

activities & worksheets

more than just on the topic of bullying

I was discussing education yesterday with someone connected to the local school board, and I showed her how the 75 pages of activities and worksheets are connected in The Anti-Bullying Project. Each activity (A-Z) matches up with an exercise with the same letter.

The subject matter of the activities and worksheets in this book isn’t limited to the topic of bullying. The book incorporates: 1) emotions & interactions, 2) self-awareness, 3) problem-solving, and 4) role models, as subjects of the activities and discussion. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking for worksheets they can copy for more than one student, as I’ve given permission to copy them for educational purposes.